Why Link for Aid?


“We believe in children. And when you say you believe, you have to act”  Andre Agassi.    Link for Aid – because we are a vital link that brings aid to children in need in two of the poorest countries in the world: Myanmar and Cambodia.  We are a  small but streamlined non-profit organization. We do […]

What we have already done


Right from the start  Link for Aid has brought aid  directly to the School for the Deaf, and to the hospice thanks to donations received. Each time she returns to Yangon Pamela visits local markets and buys basic necessities such as rice, lentils, oil, vegetables, copybooks and pens, delivering them directly to the  headmistress of the school together with   donations to help the daily […]

Our idea !


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Myanmar. A country which is changing fast


Myanmar shares borders with Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand and Laos.It is 678.500 km² (twice the size of Italy), is the largest of the South-east Asian countries and is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer. The population of nearly 60 million people consists of many ethnic groups including the Bamars, Shan, Karen, Kachin, Mon e Rakhaing. The predominant religion is Buddhism. […]