
Why Link for Aid?

“We believe in children. And when you say you believe, you have to act”  Andre Agassi


Link for Aid – because we are a vital link that brings aid to children in need in two of the poorest countries in the world: Myanmar and Cambodia.  We are a  small but streamlined non-profit organization. We do not have offices or overheads, we work through our volunteer founding and honorary members, each of whom provides invaluable input for our projects.

The funds we raise go DIRECTLY to where they are most needed,  providing access to education for deaf and dumb, orphaned and underprivileged children.  What we give them allows then to attend school, acquire vital professional skills and learn English – which is a sinequanon for their futures and the futures of their communities.

Our five founding members are volunteers and receive no recompense.  The association  produces an annual budget, as well as a report on what it has achieved during the previous  year and outlining its  plans for the future.



Pamela McCourt Francescone, Journalist and world traveller


Board members

Francesca Moscheni, Photographer

Paola Pescetelli, Communications Adviser

Elisabetta CroceBusinesswoman


Honorary members

Armando MucciforaSales Manager Thai International Airways Rome

Andrea Mele, President and Managing Director, Viaggi del Mappamondo Rome


Write to us at: info@linkforaid.org