You can help by making a bank transfer or using Paypal.
On Paypal send your donation to
To make a bank transfer: Banca Intesa San Paolo, Rome Italy
Account Link for Aid 100000118532
IBAN: IT45 Y030 6909 6061 0000 0118 532
Please remember to put your name, address and e-mail and to which charity you would like your donation to go.
• €40 – I want buy didactic material for deaf children in Myanmar
• €50- I want to help an orphan in Myanmar
• €60 - I want to donate sufficient rice to feed one child and one old person for one year
• €80- I want buy a school uniform and a bicycle to send a child to school in Cambodia
• €150 – I want to contribute to supplementary tuition fees for a deaf child for one year
• €… - I want to make a donation of my choice
In respect of the privacy regulations I GIVE MY CONSENT to the use of my personal data for administrative use and to the listing of my name and surname in the List of Members.