In 2018 celebrity chefs Felix Eppisser, with Lucia Eppisser, and Sara Danesin will be the stars of Heritage Line’s Anawratha and The Jahan gourmet cruises. Thank you Felix, Lucia and Sara for your generous support for Link for Aid’s projects helping underprivileged children in Myanmar and Cambodia. #felixeppisser #luciaeppisser #saradanesin #givingiscaring #heritageline #5starcuisine #gourmetcruises
This is the dedicated team of teachers who have changed the little village of Samrong, near the ancient temples of Angkor Wat, into a centre for learning and development, by creating reliable and sustainable change.
Every evening hundreds of children come to Samrong’s Angkor Kid’s Center School to study English. And it is thanks to the Center’s founder, Samnang (on my right), to head teacher Salin (on Samang’s right) and to all the other dedicated young volunteer teachers in this photo that so many children are being given an opportunity for learning that will open up opportunities for them in the future.
Thanks to all Link for Aid’s donors who allow us, year after year, to support this Center, adding new facilities for the children and boosting the self-reliance of Samrong village.
Please go to our donate page now to make your contribution. All it takes in a click and you too can become a benefactor.
Music for Myanmar 2016 at Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon will star acclaimed concert artists Héloise Geoghegan violin and Giuseppe Andaloro piano.
Save the date for this evening of great music followed by dinner in the Pool Garden. It’s going to be the charity event of the season so you won’t want to miss it! And you will be helping disadvantaged, deaf and orphaned children.
This is Pon Put from Samrong village in Siem Reap province. Pon is passionate about nature and about the land and he is studying agriculture in university in Thailand to be able to introduce modern methods of growing and animal rearing to his village one day.
So he needs to finish his degree! Pon’s family is not able to cover his living and university expenses and so Link for Aid has given Pon support right from the start. He is a very serious student and gets good marks in all his exams.
Now he has started a new university year and desperately needs help to continue with his studies, both for books but also for food and lodgings. Please go to our Donate page and give generously to help Pon!
In October we plan to go back to Samrong village, and with the funds raised through Link for Aid’s “Send a Kid to School” campaign, donate uniforms and bicycles and send more children to school. Many of the children in the village come from poor families who do not have the money to buy a uniform or school books and so many kids can not go to school. Go to our Donate page to help send a little boy or girl to school. Thank you! In the photo some of the Angkor Kid’s Centre children from Samrong village after the donation ceremony last year.