What Link for Aid did to help underprivileged kids in 2013

Hélöise Geoghegan and Gloria Campaner after their concert in Yangon In 2013 LInk for Aid continued its work helping underprivileged children in Myanmar and Cambodia. We also broke new ground using  music as a way to gain visibility and raise funds for our charities, with a concert in Rome, sponsored by Viaggi del Mappamondo, and a […]

When miracles happen! Pon’s laptop


This morning I posted on my Facebook  that Link for Aid needs some help for Pon Put, from Samrong village near Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Pon is in Udon, Thailand where is he is studying Thai so he can enter the agricultural degree course next term. Pon’s dream is to graduate in agriculture and bring modern farming techniques to his […]

Finally a library in Samrong Village near Angkor Wat in Cambodia


Thanks to Francesca Moscheni, one of Link for Aid’s founding members, and to a group of  her friends in Milan, we have set up a library for the children of the Angkor Kid’s Centre in Samrong, a small village near the famous Angkor Wat temple site.  Before the children had a mobile library which came […]

We Need YOUR help for the children in the Parami Orphanage


We are now helping these 18 children in the Parami  Orphanage in Dala near Yangon.   They are aged 3 to 18 and go to state schools. At home in the orphanage they are looked after by Phyu Phyu and Win Maung, a wonderful couple who have given their lives to look after these orphans. […]