Music for Myanmar 2015 with Matteo Setti

Music for Myanmar returns to Yangon on 10th October at the Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon with charity evening starring Italian singing star  Matteo Setti and with a guest appearance by Myanmar celebrity Chan Chan.  A big thank you to all our  partners including  ‪#‎DELCO‬ and KHG Development for sponsoring the 2015 ‪#‎MusicforMyanmar‬ charity concert. 11898538_800462680063383_5494466755744271263_n11898857_800462606730057_1229229925513435802_n11873450_800462620063389_8949123822186361672_n

Their efforts and unreserved support will help deaf, orphaned and disadvantaged children in Myanmar, including the children of the ‪#‎MaryChapman‬ School for the Deaf in Yangon – here at the inauguration of their new ‪#‎Mudita‬ Beauty Salon.

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