What Link for Aid did to help underprivileged kids in 2013


Hélöise Geoghegan and Gloria Campaner after their concert in Yangon In 2013 LInk for Aid continued its work helping underprivileged children in Myanmar and Cambodia. We also broke new ground using  music as a way to gain visibility and raise funds for our charities, with a concert in Rome, sponsored by Viaggi del Mappamondo, and a concert and charity evening in Yangon in partnership with Traders Hotel of the Shangri-La Group. In November the mezzosoprano Susanne Mecklenburg invited Link for Aid to benefit from a concert she was giving in Rome, sponsored by Viaggi del Mappamondo. In Yangon, also in November, Link for Aid and Traders Hotel Yangon organized Music for Myanmar, a charity concert with two leading young musicians, Hélöise Geoghegan (violin) and Gloria Campaner (piano). It was a magical evening of music by Verdi, Franck, Massenet and de Falla performed by two stunning young solists who delighted the audience with their artistry, class and warmth. We donated school uniforms and bicycles to poor children in Samrong Village near Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and we also gave university and technical training scholarships to teachers from the Angkor Kid’s Centre. And we took on a new project  the little Parami Orphanage in Dala, across the river from Yangon where  Link for Aid, and Shangri-La Residences is now supporting the 18 orphans.

To read and see what we did in 2013 all you have to do it click on this image to download the pdf


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